Global - Agriculture Machinery - Events
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ASA, CSSA & SSSA International Annual Meeting 2028 1592 days left 
ASA, CSSA & SSSA International Annual Meeting
11/12/2028 - 11/15/2028
Fort Lauderdale FL, United States
EnergyDecentral 2026  
The global meeting place for decentralized energy supply
Dates: TBD
Hanover, Germany
Entomology 2028  
Entomological Society of America (ESA) Annual Meeting
Dates: TBD
TBD, United States
International Weed Science Congress 2028  
10th International Weed Science Congress (IWSC)
Dates: TBD
MANTS 2029  
Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show
Dates: TBD
Baltimore MD, United States
CattleCon 2029 1671 days left 
131st Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show
1/30/2029 - 2/1/2029
Houston TX, United States
ICFM11 2029  
11th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM11)
Dates: TBD
AASV Annual Meeting 2029  
60th Annual Meeting of American Association of Swine Veterinarians
Dates: TBD
Grapevine TX, United States
International Abalone Symposium 2029  
13th International Abalone Symposium (IAS)
Dates: TBD
Commodity Classic 2029 1701 days left 
America's largest farmer-led, farmer-focused convention & trade show
3/1/2029 - 3/3/2029
San Antonio, TX, United States
International Strawberry Symposium 2029  
XI International Strawberry Symposium
Dates: TBD
Elmia Wood 2028  
International Forestry Trade Fair
Dates: TBD
Jonkoping, Sweden
IUFRO Kenya 2029  
27th International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) World Congress
Dates: TBD
Nairobi, Kenya
Forstmesse Luzern 2029  
29th International meeting place of the wood and forestry
Dates: TBD
Lucerne, Switzerland
Farm Science Review 2029 1902 days left 
Ohio State University's Farm Science Review
9/18/2029 - 9/20/2029
London OH, United States
ICID Congress 2029  
27th International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage
Dates: TBD
World Dairy Expo 2029  
World Dairy Expo
Dates: TBD
Madison WI, United States
ASA, CSSA & SSSA International Annual Meeting 2029 1942 days left 
ASA, CSSA & SSSA International Annual Meeting
10/28/2029 - 10/31/2029
Phoenix AZ, United States
CattleCon 2030 2035 days left 
132nd Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show
1/29/2030 - 1/31/2030
Nashville TN, United States
Commodity Classic 2030 2065 days left 
America's largest farmer-led, farmer-focused convention & trade show
2/28/2030 - 3/2/2030
Orlando FL, United States

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